Home > MV* framework comparison

MV* framework comparison

  • General info

    • Automatic view filtering
    • Templating engine
    • Computed properties supported
    • JSX for templating
    • Extends HTML
  • Plugins

    • Plugin to support animation
    • Number of plugins
    • Dedicated plugin source
    • Input validation plugin
    • Built-in RESTful sync abstraction for models
  • Libraries & Packages

    • DOM manipulation library agnostic
    • Compatibility with AMD libraries such as Require.js
    • Bower dependency management support
    • Official entry in the npm package manager
    • JQuery Lite included
  • Data binding

    • Two-way data binding
    • One-way data binding
    • Models are plain JavaScript objects
    • Use of view mixins allowed
    • Plugin extension for two-way databinding available
  • Performance

    • Minified file size without dependencies
    • Routing and deep linking supported
    • Promises/A+ implementation
    • Templates can be pre-compiled on the server
    • Rendered on the server
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